Try as I might though, I couldn't find someone who had posted a concrete example. Especially since rumours seem to abound that it's a possibility, it seemed a little bizarre that there were plenty of examples of "how to access unsafe" but none on "what not to do".
So I thought, it might be fun to put together a demo to show just how quickly this can cause problems. It's a contrived example, of course, so in the real world I'm sure it will take longer to show up, and will probably be more random.
The code is pretty simple, and self explanatory (I guess). Review the code and then run the example.
Just so:
[jason@freebsd01 ~/code/examples/pointers]$ mvn clean compile exec:exec
<< the usual maven build things >>
[INFO][INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.1:exec (default-cli) @ pointers ---
[INFO] [GC 2621K->1388K(502464K), 0.0042790 secs]
<< lots of GC while the vm starts up >>
<< and now we get down to business >>
[INFO] initialising array
[INFO] address: 34913266488
[INFO] native address: 34913266488
[INFO] checking array:
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
<< carries on for a while >>
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] making garbage
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] [GC 132255K->129303K(502464K), 0.3024900 secs]
[INFO] seems ok
[INFO] oops! expected: 0; but found: 109260096
[INFO] inserted to map -> 1013558; map size ended at -> 950748
[INFO] garbage generator finished
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 14.938s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 06 22:29:41 EST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/151M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Build success!
Or something indeed! I thought both my post and Gils comment revolved around negative examples, but you are correct that neither one gave a runnable/test to prove our claims. Your contribution is most welcome.